Assignment of doctoral thesis supervisors

Assignment of doctoral thesis supervisors

Current regulations on doctoral studies state that the Academic Committee of the PhD program will assign a supervisor to the student and that this assignment will be endorsed by the Director of DIRS. 

Record of activities / Document of activities

Record of activities / Document of activities

Once enrolled in the program, a personalized document of activities is created for each PhD student. It includes all the activities of interest for the development of the PhD. The document of activities in completed in the GAUDE application.  

Activities directly related to the doctoral process will be registered (Communications in congresses, PhD courses and seminars, Research stays, and Indexed Publications.  The GAUDE Registration Guide details the procedure for introducing these activities.

It is important to note that the Document of Activities is dedicated exclusively to PhD training. Other activities and training should be included in the personal Curriculum Vitae (for example) instead of the Document of Activities. 

Research plan

Research plan

During the first year of their PhD studies, students are required to draft a research proposal for their thesis. This must be approved by the Academic Committee of the programme in which they are enrolled.

Doctoral thesis registration

Doctoral thesis registration

Once the research plan has been approved, PhD students must apply for the registration of their PhD thesis at the General Secretariat by presenting the form below duly completed and signed by all parties. Further information on the PhD website.

Deadline for extension requests

Deadline for extension requests

Any extension must be requested within the academic year in which the deadline for thesis submission expires and at least one working month before that deadline.  This procedure is carried out at the General Secretariat

Thesis deposit and defense

Thesis deposit and defense

PhD students who foresee to submit their thesis shortly are strongly advised to go to the General Secretariat to be informed of the necessary documents, deadlines and steps to be taken since thesis are submitted there.

NOTA BENE: Before initiating the thesis submission process, the thesis supervisor needs to inform the program coordinator in order to carry out the final evaluation.

Defense procedure

Start of the thesis submission process

The process begins with the delivery to the General Secretariat of the duly signed "Application for the deposit of a Doctoral Thesis" and of the director's evaluation report. 

PhD thesis in the form of a compendium of publications


Important dates for thesis deposit and defence 

Final evaluation: From the 1st to the 24th of each month (once the minimum requirements have been checked). This is reported by the programme coordinator.

Thesis deposit: From 1st to the 24th of the month following the final evaluation. It is not possible to deposit in October.

Public exhibition: During the first two weeks of the month following the deposit (10 working days).

Resolution of pass to defence: In the fourth week from the beginning of the exhibition.

Proposal of the Tribunal: After the decision to move to defence.

Appointment of the Tribunal: Once all the administrative and financial requirements have been met by the PhD candidate, the tribunal is submitted to the Rector for appointment. 

Date of Defence: A minimum of one month must pass from the date of appointment to the date of defence.

August is a non-working month.